Natural Health and Beauty Handmade in Brooklyn

How To Create a Mindful Bedtime Routine July 22, 2020 03:00 689 Comments


A night routine is a series of habits or activities that you do in the time leading up to going to sleep. It can look very different for different people and that's okay! The purpose of this article is to give you some ideas or jumping off points to get you in the mindset of creating a healthy and positive night routine. A mindful night routine can greatly improve your quality of sleep-- not to mention your mood, productivity and focus for the next day. 

Brushing your teeth and washing your face might already be part of your nighttime routine. We also encourage taking a hot shower or bath to relax and help promote restful sleep. 
In addition, a simple skin care routine composed of natural products can feel amazing and have notable effects on the appearance of your skin. We recommend a hydrating toner such as Rose Water & a natural blend of oils like our Classic Face Oil. Use the toner spray and then the oil, mindfully smoothing it onto your skin and enjoying the calming fragrances. You can also mix a dime-sized amount of oil with a couple sprays of rose water in your hand and then apply it to your face.
Gua Sha Tools or Facial Rollers can also be excellent tools to incorporate into your nightly skin care routine. They help improve blood circulation, release toxins, promote lymphatic drainage & have tightening and rejuvenating effects on your skin. Massage your face with one of these tools directly after applying the face oil. 
Setting the scene for relaxation can help bring you into that headspace while also acting as a ritual that signifies the transition into sleep, or the beginning of your night routine.
Lighting candles, incense, palo santo and clearing the energy of the room with herbs such as sage or juniper are great ways to use lighting and scent to wind down.
Another excellent tool is the essential oil diffuser (particularly if you want something that doesn't require burning). Drop a few drops of your favorite essential oils or blend into the electric diffuser and feel your body and mind relax. We recommend our Sleep Oil blend or our Peace & Calming Oil blend.
Giving yourself an aromatherapy massage and stretching your body before bed can help you get 'into your body' and out of your head. Try to be present & mindful throughout, while really paying attention to each area of your body and the physical sensations that arise. 
We have a couple excellent massage oil blends such as the Muscle & Joint Pain Oil and the Insomnia Relief Oil. Roll-on blends such as our Goodnight Oil can also be used on smaller areas such as the temples and the back of the neck. 
Stretch your body or do some gentle yoga before bed. It will loosen up tightness (especially in conjunction with the massage) and get your body ready for rest. 
Meditation is an incredibly useful tool for mental clarity and peace at any time of day. Doing it before sleep is especially beneficial, as it helps to quiet thoughts and worries that tend to flood your head at the end of a day.
Doing some mindful reflection on the day's events is very different then allowing your brain to go haywire with anxious thoughts. A helpful way to reflect productively is to incorporate journaling into your bedtime routine. Gratitude journaling- recording a few things that you are thankful for at each day's end- intuitive writing, or even just taking note of what worked or what didn't work for you that day are all great guides for journaling. 
Using crystals can help aid your meditative practice as well as your journaling. They have strong energies and can help with intuition, flow, creativity, stress reduction and more. Check out our article on Meditating with Crystals for more information on how to do this. Also, view our collection of crystals for sale on our online store here.
Implementing these habits isn't always easy. As much as we'd all like to do these calming activities and achieve restful sleep & focused energy, it takes effort and some days it can be hard to do it on willpower alone.

Investing in the right tools and materials that you need for your bedtime routine can be a helpful step. A nice journal, some incense you like, a calming dim light, essential oils or massage oil blends, etc. If you take it seriously and really commit to the practice of creating a mindful night routine, it's effects are invaluable. So treat yourself!

Setting alarms on your phone or having some type of reminder of when to begin your routine can be instrumental in forming the habit. You may not need the alarms or reminders after a while of doing it, but having them in the beginning can work wonders. 

Lastly, make sure you have a clear plan and schedule for your night routine. Maybe write it down or type it & print it out and hang it somewhere visible. Or keep it written down in your journal or notebook. Make it clear, simple and doable. You don't have to get too complicated or you'll run the risk of 'not feeling up to it.' 

Customize your routine to what works for you! There are many different ways to go about it, and various things not mentioned here-- such as cutting off caffeine or alcohol after a certain time, no screen time an hour before sleep, etc. It's up to you!
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How to Make Natural Face Masks July 21, 2020 03:00 1341 Comments


Making & using natural face masks can be fun activities to do at home in your down time. There are countless different types of masks, catering to various skin types and treating a plethora of skin issues. Many of the ingredients you may also already have on hand in your kitchen!

In the recipes we will be going over in this email, we'll be using a combination of household ingredients and more specific skin care materials such as essential oils and facial clays. Using homemade, all natural face masks is much better for your health and skin than using mass-produced sheet masks or masks that contain preservatives & unnecessary chemicals.

Join us in another DIY skin care project and experience the wonderful benefits of using natural face masks!

When we say 'skin care materials,' we're referring to more specialized products, intended mainly for the purpose of caring for your skin. These can include the following:
★ Items underlined in blue are links to products available on our online shop. ★
When we refer to 'household ingredients,' we're talking about items that you might already have for cooking, or any other common ingredients that people tend to have available in their homes. This can include the following:
  • Baking soda
  • Raw honey or manuka honey
  • Oats
  • Yogurt
  • Avocado
  • Orange
  • Papaya
  • Olive oil
  • Turmeric powder, cinnamon powder
  • Lemon juice
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Green tea
 ✿ ❀  RECIPE IDEAS  ❀ ✿
For Anti-Aging: 
- 4 tsp Clay (white or pink)
- 4 tsp Rosehip Oil
- 4 tsp Raw Honey
- 2 tsp Rose Water
- 8 drops Frankincense Oil
- 4 drops Patchouli Oil
Leave On For: About 15 minutes

For Acne-Prone Skin:
- 4 tsp Green Clay
- 4 drops Tea Tree Oil
- 2 tsp Manuka Honey
- 4 tsp Turmeric Powder
- 2 tsp Lemon Juice
- 2 tsp Aloe Vera Gel
Leave On For: 10-15 minutes

For Deep Hydration:
- 4 tsp Honey
- A handful of Oats
- 4 tsp Jojoba Oil
- 4 drops Geranium Oil
- 4 drops Cedarwood Oil
- 1 dropper full of our Hydrating Face Oil
Leave On For: 15 minutes

For Glowing Skin:
- 1 Papaya (mashed)
- 2 tsp Aloe Vera Gel
- 4 drops Lavender Oil
- 2 tsp Argan Oil
- 2 tsp Orange Juice
Leave On For: About 10-15 minutes

For Skin Nourishment: 
- 4 tsp Honey (raw or manuka)
- 2 tsp Turmeric Powder
- 2 tsp Coconut Oil
- 6 tsp cooled Chamomile Tea
- 4 drops Frankincense Oil
- 4 drops Rose Oil
- 2 tsp Red Clay
Leave On For: 15-20 minutes

For Detox:
- 10 tsp Sweet Almond Oil or Olive Oil
- 4 tsp Bentonite Clay
- 2 tsp Activated Charcoal
- 4 drops Lemon Oil
- 4 drops Juniper Oil
- Drops/sprays of Rose water (to thin)
Leave On For: About 15 minutes

BEFORE USING MASKS: Please read our "Info on Using Your Mask" section below for details on how to use them. 
Choose from one of the above recipes and begin combining your ingredients. Also feel free to add, remove or sub-in ingredients wherever you feel-- get creative with it! 
  • We like to start by first mixing the dry ingredients, then adding the liquids until you get to your desired consistency.
  • The texture of your mask will vary depending on the materials that you are using.
  • Overall, you want to have a good balance of wet and dry, resulting in a sort of cream-like or wet clay texture that you can easily smooth onto your face.
  • Masks that don't contain a powder, like the Glowing Skin recipe above, might have a thinner or more glossy consistency to them.
  • You can always add regular water, rose water or lavandin to your mixture to thin it out if it's too thick or dry.

Some ingredients you have to be careful not to add too much for it can irritate your skin. This includes essential oils, green clay, bentonite clay, cinnamon powder and apple cider vinegar. 
Once you finish making your mask, it's good to go! In the recipes that we provided here, it should yield about 2-3 ounces of face mask. This will come to roughly 4 uses. If you want to save some for next time, we recommend storing it in a small jar with a lid.

★ If your mask contains fresh ingredients like lemon juice or papaya then you may want to store it in the fridge until you use it-- don't wait too long to use these 'fresh ingredient' masks because they will spoil. Ideally they are to be used on the day they're made, but can be used up to a few days after that. ★
  • Make sure your face is clean before using a face mask. Remove any makeup. Try our natural Make Up Remover
  • Before applying your mask to your whole face, you may want to test a small patch of it on the side of your neck or on your arm. This is a precaution to make sure you don't have an allergic reaction to it.
  • If all is well with the patch test, then you can start using your mask! Apply face mask evenly to coat your entire face, avoiding the mouth & eyes. See the recipes above to find out how long you should leave your mask on (depending on which one you make), then rinse off thoroughly using lukewarm water. 
  • After your mask, you might want to consider using another product such as face oil or moisturizer, rose water/ toner, or a serum. Apply what you would normally use in your daily skin care routine. Below we've linked some great products that we sell on our online shop if you want to try them out! All handmade in small batches using natural ingredients 
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How to Use Crystals in Meditation July 20, 2020 03:00 1729 Comments


For both newcomers to meditation and those who are further in their practice, utilizing tools such as crystals and essential oils can really enhance the meditation experience. Meditating with these materials can help us to feel more grounded, connected and relaxed.

Humans and crystals have an innate connection and working with them can help you to tap into your highest self. They are tools of insight and spirituality and possess powerful energies to work with.

Essential oils, most commonly known as natural health remedies and aromatherapy mood lifters, can also help one to access a deeper and more focused meditative state.

Join us in learning how to use crystals and oils to help connect with your inner world and the earth through the practice of meditation. 

To prepare for your meditative practice, you may want to create an atmosphere of peace and calm to help you get into a more clear minded space. 

Some ways to create an ambiance of calm:
  • Light incense and candles
  • Put on ambient music or sounds of nature (or any kind of music that soothes you and isn't too distracting)
  • Dim the lights or set mood lighting/ open curtains for natural light
  • Find space where you want to sit or lay and make it comfortable (use pillows, etc.)
Another part of preparing for your meditation can involve clearing the energy in your space. People do this in many different ways-- one of the most common is referred to as "smudging," which involves burning a bundle of dried herbs and allowing the smoke to permeate the space. It is sometimes thought of as a type of "spiritual house cleaning," the act of clearing out any kind of negative energy.
Some smudging tools include:
  • Sage (white sage, blue sage, mountain sage, black sage, etc.)
  • Cedar
  • Palo santo
  • Juniper
  • Lavender
  • Pine
  • Rosemary
  • Frankincense resin
  • Incense
  • Yerba santa
  • Fire safe bowl or shell- abalone shells are often used for their spiritual properties
  • Feather to spread around the smoke (optional)
Choosing a crystal to work with in your meditation will depend on a few factors. We will go into some examples of crystals you can use, but you may also want to do your own research to find one that is in line with your intention or feeling. Different stones have different properties and energies. However, some people like to choose a crystal solely based on their intuition, regardless of the properties of the stone. 

Some crystals you may want to consider for your meditation:
  • Clear Quartz- all chakras, particularly crown chakra, universal healing crystal, mental clarity, amplifies other crystals' energies.
  • Amethyst- crown chakra, enlightenment, transformation, intuition, calming.
  • Rose Quartz- heart chakra, comforting, emotional healing, unconditional love.
  • Fluorite- third eye chakra, energy cleansing and balancing, connection to higher purpose. 
  • Carnelian- sacral chakra, energy boosting, motivation, creativity, confidence.
  • Moonstone- third eye, sacral and crown chakra, removes negativity, balances emotions, spiritual growth, relaxation.
  • Citrine- solar plexus chakra, confidence, abundance, warming & energizing.
  • Selenite- crown chakra, energy cleansing, renewal, clears mind, protects energetic field.
  • Labradorite- throat and third eye chakras, insight, wisdom, spirituality, relieves stress, aura cleansing.
  • Black Tourmaline- root chakra, grounding, strong protection stone, removes negativity. 
Selecting an essential oil (or essential oil blend) to incorporate into your meditative practice is similar to the way in which you choose a crystal. You can base it on the properties of the essential oils or you can choose based on intuition, using your sense of smell.

Again, this choice will be centered around what your intention is for your meditation. Are you looking to reduce stress and relax? Are you trying to elevate your consciousness and have an introspective look inside? Are you trying to be more spiritual? Boost your energy and be more present?

You can drop some pure essential oil into an aroma diffuser, dilute it with carrier oil and rub onto your body, or use a pre-diluted blend and do the same.

Some essential oils for meditation:
Earth Speaks blends for meditation: 
  • Diffuser Blends: Mental Focus, Meditation, Balance, Peace & Calming, Enlightenment, Anxiety Relief, Earth Oil, Clarity, Vitality. 
  • Roll-Ons (diluted): Earthy Goddess, Happy Oil, Destress Oil, Mental Focus Oil, Comfort & Bliss.
  • Mists (diluted): Spark, Destress, Energizing, Encounter, Citrus Lift, Firewood.
  • Inhalers: Anxiety Relief, Mental Focus, Peace & Calming, Sleep, Anti Depressant, Sinus Infection. 
Get comfortable! There are many different ways to position your body when meditating. How you do this may also dictate where you place your crystals. See some examples below: 
  • If you are seated: you can hold the crystal(s) in your hand while meditating or create an energy field by placing one in front of you, one behind and one on either side of you. 
  • If you are lying down: you may want to assume this pose if you intend on lying the crystal(s) on your body while meditating. You can place them on their corresponding energy centers or "chakras." For example, placing a piece of labradorite on your forehead for the third eye chakra.
A great way to begin this meditation is to sit silently and focus on feeling the energy of your stone. Think about the ways it is healing you.
  • Develop a connection with your crystal and try to pay attention to the ways this is happening-- physical sensations, visuals, colors, etc.
  • Then begin to focus on your breath. Breathing is an integral part of meditating. Form a slow and relaxed breathing pattern and focus on it. 
  • You may also want to practice visualizations with your crystal while you are meditating. For instance, when you are holding the stone in your hand, imagine its energy flowing through your body. You may want to picture a glowing light that's the same color as the crystal and feel it filling your body and mind.
  • Think of your intention but in its simplest form; try not to get too specific in your thoughts and if you do, just gently bring your attention back to your crystal or your breath.
Try and meditate for at least 10 minutes. If you are experienced in meditation then you may do longer if you'd like. End by connecting back with your breath and grounding yourself with the earth as you open your eyes.
Crystals are not only useful for meditation, but also for mindfulness exercises that you can do wherever, whenever. Bring a crystal with you on the go in your pocket or in your bag to use for calming, grounding, energy cleansing and more.
  • Hold it in your hand, feeling it's energy and focusing on its properties. The stone you choose to bring should be in line with your intention or to help heal what you are currently struggling with.
  • Focus on your breath as you sit with your stone and gently rub it with your thumb. Pay close attention to how the crystal feels and to any physical sensations in your body.
  • Hold your stone in your left hand ("receiving" hand), and imagine its energy as a bright white or gold light traveling all the way through your body to your right hand.
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How to Make Hand Massage Oil July 19, 2020 03:00 2415 Comments


Do your hand muscles get sore or tense from typing on the computer, writing, drawing, painting or from household chores? Do you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome? Are your hands dry from constant washing or sanitizing? Then this email is for you :) Making a natural massage oil is incredibly simple and only really requires two components: carrier oil and essential oil. Read on and join us in learning how to make your own hand & wrist massage oil!

Start out by choosing which essential oils you'd like to include in your blend based on their health benefits and their scent profiles. See our list below for details on their properties (we've only included the properties that are relevant to this recipe). 
  • Black pepper: for arthritis; stimulating and warming, good for circulation, natural anti spasmodic.

  • Peppermint: muscle pain relief, cooling, refreshing, used to massage aching joints, reduces inflammation, cools tense joints.

  • Ginger: circulation, arthritis relief, reduces inflammation, eases stress, warming. 

  • Lavender: calming, anti inflammatory, treats pain & muscle spasms, works on sore joints and tendons, relaxing and rejuvenating.

  • Nutmeg oil: circulation, reduces inflammation and pain, alleviates stiffness.

  • Clove Bud: blood flow, pain reduction, joint pain and strain relief, reduces muscle pain, warming and slightly numbing. 

  • Eucalyptus: anti-spasmodic, stimulating, muscle and joint pain relief/ soothing for overworked hands, anti inflammatory, promotes relaxation. 

  • Rosemary: invigorating, uplifting, improves circulation, eases aches. 

  • Helichrysum: reduces muscle pain, spasms and inflammation, helps heal scar tissue.

  • Clary Sage: promotes relaxation, alleviates muscle tension. 

  • Lemongrass: promotes circulation, reduces swelling and inflammation.

  • Juniper: relieves muscle tension and eliminates spasms.

In addition to the essential oils, you will also need one or two carrier oils in this recipe. A carrier oil is a natural, usually unscented, vegetable oil that is moisturizing and soothing. It is called a 'carrier oil' because it is used to dilute essential oils (which are too concentrated to put on your skin directly and may irritate it). 

Carrier oils have benefits of their own as well. For this recipe, see below for some recommended carrier oils:
  • Apricot kernel oil: good for all skin types including sensitive skin, high in vitamin A, helps rebuild tissues
  • Hemp seed oil: soothing, contains Omega fatty acids and proteins. 
  • Jojoba oil: anti microbial, moisturizing, contains vitamins B & E
  • Sweet almond oil: hydrating, anti inflammatory, aids circulation, high in vitamins B & C
  • Arnica Oil: used to treat bruises, arthritis and sprains, anti inflammatory, soothing.
Tools you will need to make this oil blend include the following:
  • 1 ounce glass bottle (preferably a dark color such as amber or cobalt blue to keep the oil fresh for longer) with dropper
  • extra dropper(s)
  • glass beaker with pour-spout or just a kitchen measuring glass for easy pouring
  • small glass sample bottles, clear or otherwise (see photo below for example)
It is very important when you are making an oil blend or anything of the like to record your recipe!

Write down the essential oils that you have chosen to use (preferably 2-5 different oils).

Massage oil blends range from 3%-5% essential oil content. So if you are using a 1 ounce bottle, then you will be using 18-30 drops of essential oil total. The remainder of the blend will be carrier oil. 

Divvy up the total number of drops and decide how many of each essential oil you will be using. Write down the amounts. An example may look like this:

(3% blend)
Ginger oil: 8 drops
Peppermint Oil: 4 drops
Clary Sage Oil: 6 drops
If you feel confident, you can mix your essential oil blend directly in your 1 ounce bottle-- or you can use the small sample size vial to mix it separately. If you do the latter, it allows you to play around and see if you like your ratio first before committing to that blend. Then you can use a dropper to count 18-30 drops of that blend into the 1 ounce bottle.

After adding your essential oils, fill up the rest of the 1 ounce bottle with your carrier oil. You can use a measuring cup or beaker for a more accurate pour. If you are using two carrier oils, simply fill up your bottle with half of one and half of the other (you can eyeball it). 
And it's ready to go! You can let the blend sit for a few minutes to an hour if you want the aromas to really meld together. Otherwise you can just shake it up right away and begin using it!

You may want to incorporate some kind of massage tool to work the oil into your skin. Massage tools such as stone facial rollers can be used to stimulate blood flow and deepen/ continue the massage once your hands get tired. Check out our collection on our online shop here. 
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How to Make Natural Scrub July 18, 2020 17:19 594 Comments



Making natural exfoliating scrub is a fun and easy at-home activity that you can do anytime. It even uses some ingredients that you might already have lying around the house, such as coconut oil, sugar, coffee grounds and more. It can be a simple process and is very tactile and sensory-oriented, making it a great activity you can do with children. Try it today by following our step-by-step instructional below!

In making a natural scrub, you have to make a few decisions to start. For instance, are you making a face or body scrub (or both)? Do you, or the scrub user, have sensitive skin? What types of scents do you usually prefer? Are there any specific benefits that you're trying to get from using your scrub?
Once you have thought about what you want, then you can begin to source or gather your materials. There are a few basic components of any exfoliating scrub.

1. Exfoliant (i.e. sugar, salt, coffee, raw honey, etc.). This is the slightly rough material that will help to polish or exfoliate your skin.

2. Carrier oil (i.e. coconut oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil, etc). This will typically be some type of vegetable oil that is used to moisturize your skin.  

3. Additional ingredients (i.e. essential oils/ dried herbs for scent and wellness benefits, green tea for antioxidants, fresh fruit for antiaging, vitamin E for scars & natural preservative, etc). These elements of the scrub are optional, but you may want to include some for their many advantages.

Below we've compiled a list of what ingredients might be beneficial in making various types of scrub (with links in blue to shop these products on our website). These are not recipes-- just useful info to reference when making your scrub recipe.
- Sensitive skin: Chamomile oil, lavender oil, apricot kernel oil, brown sugar.
- Circulation: Ginger oil, Warm Spice oil blend, lemongrass oil, turmeric. 
- Scar Repair: Vitamin E, lavender oil, tea tree oil, rosehip oil, almond oil, sage oil.
- Face Scrub: Tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, lavender oil, granulated sugar, pureed papaya, green tea, honey, jojoba oil, turmeric.
- Body Scrub: Dead sea salt, coffee, coconut oil, brown sugar, olive oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, epsom salt, Himalayan salt, orange oil, hemp seed oil.
- Simple hydration and skin rejuvenation: Coconut oil, almond oil, rosemary oil, geranium oil, frankincense oil, granulated sugar, olive oil, jojoba oil, Vitality oil blend.
- Anti-aging: Pureed strawberries, green tea, argan oil, frankincense oil, carrot seed oil, rosehip oil, cedarwood oil.
- Cellulite removal: Grapefruit oil, black pepper oil, geranium oil, raw sugar, coffee. 
- Antiseptic/ Acne: Honey, tea tree oil, grapeseed oil, lemon oil, jojoba oil, cane sugar. 
- Muscle Pain Relief: Peppermint oil, black pepper oil, Balance oil blend, epsom salt, Earth oil blend.
When making a homemade natural scrub, you may want to have the following tools on hand to help the process:
- A medium to large mixing bowl
- A large spoon, preferably flat
- A small container with a lid for your completed scrub (for this recipe we'll be making a small amount, about 4 ounces). 
- Measuring cups & spoons
- Dropper and small bottle/ vial or dish for mixing essential oils (optional)
Create a nice workspace for yourself, probably in a kitchen or dining room. Wherever you have space to play and make a little bit of a mess!
Adding essential oils is an optional step. You may want to consider it, since they hold a variety of skin care, health and aromatherapy benefits. Plus they smell great! If you'd like to use more than one essential oil, then you'll have to make a blend-- use a separate small bottle/vial or dish to mix your essential oils.

For a 4 oz. scrub, you will want to use 3% or lower of essential oils. That means use about 72 drops of essential oil or less.

Try to keep it simple and include no more than 3 different essential oils in your blend. Refer to our list in Step 2, or do some research and decide on which oils you'd like to use. Then build your recipe and write it down. For example:

30 drops grapefruit oil
21 drops black pepper oil
21 drops geranium oil
If you wish to include green tea or any other kind of tea in your scrub, it is advised to begin brewing it in boiled water early on. This way, it will be cooled in time to add to your other ingredients. For our recipe, you can do the following:

- Steep 1 teabag in 1/4 cup of boiling water and let cool.
- If you are using coffee grounds: Mix 1/2 cup fresh coffee grounds with 2 tbsp hot water and let cool.
The recipe we're working with calls for the following:
1/2 cup total of exfoliant (4 oz.)
1/8 cup of carrier oil (1 oz.)
72 drops (or less) essential oil 
2 tbsp miscellaneous ingredients (dried herbs, pureed fruit, honey, etc.)
1/4 cup of brewed, cooled tea (2 oz.)

The last three ingredients are optional and up to your discretion which, if any, you'd like to add. Even the amounts above are up to you! If you want a little more hydration, you can do equal parts oil and exfoliant (1/2 cup of each). If it's for acne prone skin, you can cut the oil in half and use apple cider vinegar for the other half. Get creative with it :)
This is the fun part! Making a homemade scrub is all about consistency. The texture and balance of ingredients in your scrub has to be just right; you want it to be easy and pleasant to use. That means a balance of the dry and wet components.
1. Pour your dry ingredients into the mixing bowl (if coffee grounds are used, make sure they have cooled to room temp).
2. Add the carrier oil one tbsp at a time while stirring with your spoon. Stop when you have a good consistency; not too runny and not too dry or crumbly. If you have added the entire amount of oil from the recipe and it's still too sandy, you can add more carrier oil.
3. Once your tea has cooled completely, you can add that in. Also stir in any other additional ingredients that you've selected to use.
4. Add your essential oil blend using a dropper. Count out 72 drops (or less) as you add it to the mixture.
Using your hands or a spoon, scoop the scrub into your small container until it is full. Smooth down the top-- and if you want to get fancy, put a little rose bud or dried herb garnish on the top before screwing on the cap. This is particularly nice for gifts. And you're good to go!
If you are unable to (or don't feel like), making your own, feel free to shop our handmade natural scrubs on our online shop using the link below!
Shop Scrubs
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How to Take a Spiritual Bath June 20, 2020 05:00 6052 Comments

How To Take A Spiritual Bath

If you have never taken a spiritual bath, then you are in for a treat! It is a unique kind of bathing ritual that dates back to ancient times-- and though many aspects of it have changed, the idea remains the same. A spiritual bath can help you to cleanse your mind and spirit.

Not simply for the sake of de-stressing and cleaning your body like a regular bath, spiritual baths require you to be present and mindful, involving specific elements to enhance the bath with psychic power. These elements can include candles, crystals, herbs, oils, salts and more. Spiritual baths can also help to imbue the bather with certain desired benefits, or be used as a manifestation tool to bring about things like abundance and creativity. 

Spiritual bath rituals are often done during particular phases of the moon such as a full moon or a new moon, since these times of the month are especially spiritually potent. Today we will be discussing how to do a spiritual bath for the new moon, taking place next week on April 22nd, 2020. 

A new moon is all about transformation, new beginnings and setting visions & intentions for the future. It is a time of rejuvenation. When preparing for this spiritual bath, you will want to lay the groundwork for welcoming renewing energy by making sure that you and your space are physically clean. Clean and declutter your bathroom and tub, then take a quick preliminary shower or bath to cleanse your body. 
Start filling your tub with water. Some people like to fill the tub with about 3 inches of hot water then add their salts before proceeding to fill up the rest with comfortably warm water. You can also just fill the whole tub with water at whatever temperature is comfortable for you-- then add your salts when it's full.

Take this time to get your materials together, since it may take a little while for it to fill. You'll want to grab ingredients that will be mixed directly into your bath, such as herbs, essential oils & salts-- as well as things that will compliment the bath and the atmosphere, such as candles, crystals and smudge sticks or incense.

Below we've listed some ideas for what you can use in a new moon spiritual bath:
Essential Oils: Lavender, Eucalyptus, Patchouli, Lemon, Peppermint, Sandalwood, Frankincense, May Chang, Clary Sage and Palo Santo.
Herbs: Juniper berries, peppermint leaf, eucalyptus leaf, angelica root, bay, rose, sage.
Crystals: Labradorite, amethyst, moonstone, smoky quartz, obsidian, citrine, clear quartz and selenite.
Salts & Other Ingredients: Dead Sea Salt, Himalayan Salt, Epsom Salt, Apple Cider Vinegar and baking soda. 
Take this time to finish setting up anything that you think will enhance the ambiance of your bath, or that will transport you into a more peaceful and spiritual place. This can include lighting candles, setting up soothing music or nature sounds and opening windows.

You can also use this time to give the space where you will be bathing a quick energetic cleanse by lighting sage, cedar, incense, palo santo or other herbs in a process known as "smudging." Bring the smoke around the room and over the tub, then place it in a fire-safe dish or burner off to the side.

Now it is time to add the ingredients to your bath. We make a few great bath salts blends that contain different types of salts, essential oils and herbs. Another option is to do it yourself, making a customized recipe for your bath. Choose your favorite elements from the list above in Step 2, or come up with your own, and begin adding them to the bath.

As you stir in your ingredients, be mindful and meditative and think about the intentions you have for this new moon. You can also do peaceful energy visualizations, and imagine the tub filling with golden light. 
Before you get into the tub or as you are stirring in your ingredients, you may want to say a prayer, blessing, mantra or intention aloud. It can be anything you want, as long as it aligns with your general intention for the spiritual bath. 
Slowly lower yourself into the bath, allowing each part of your body to adjust to the temperature. Try and keep as much of your body submerged as possible. Cup your hands and gently pour the water over your head. Soak for about 20-30 minutes. While bathing, try to clear your thoughts, relax and meditate.
After you get out of the bath, try and allow your body to air dry naturally rather than with a towel. It is important to let your body breathe and continue to take in the energy from the new moon. When you are mostly dry, get comfortable and rest for at least 30 minutes. You may want to lay down, focus on your breathing and just relax. 
Throughout this article, there are links to our products that you can purchase online (they are underlined and in blue). Please click them to view the products and order any supplies you may need for your spiritual bath! We have an array of essential oils, smudge sticks, crystals and bath salt blends. 

How to Make Natural Face Masks June 19, 2020 08:00 856 Comments


Making & using natural face masks can be fun activities to do at home in your down time. There are countless different types of masks, catering to various skin types and treating a plethora of skin issues. Many of the ingredients you may also already have on hand in your kitchen!

In the recipes we will be going over in this email, we'll be using a combination of household ingredients and more specific skin care materials such as essential oils and facial clays. Using homemade, all natural face masks is much better for your health and skin than using mass-produced sheet masks or masks that contain preservatives & unnecessary chemicals.

Join us in another DIY skin care project and experience the wonderful benefits of using natural face masks!

When we say 'skin care materials,' we're referring to more specialized products, intended mainly for the purpose of caring for your skin. These can include the following:
★ Items underlined in blue are links to products available on our online shop. ★
When we refer to 'household ingredients,' we're talking about items that you might already have for cooking, or any other common ingredients that people tend to have available in their homes. This can include the following:
  • Baking soda
  • Raw honey or manuka honey
  • Oats
  • Yogurt
  • Avocado
  • Orange
  • Papaya
  • Olive oil
  • Turmeric powder, cinnamon powder
  • Lemon juice
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Green tea
 ✿ ❀  RECIPE IDEAS  ❀ ✿
For Anti-Aging: 
- 4 tsp Clay (white or pink)
- 4 tsp Rosehip Oil
- 4 tsp Raw Honey
- 2 tsp Rose Water
- 8 drops Frankincense Oil
- 4 drops Patchouli Oil
Leave On For: About 15 minutes

For Acne-Prone Skin:
- 4 tsp Green Clay
- 4 drops Tea Tree Oil
- 2 tsp Manuka Honey
- 4 tsp Turmeric Powder
- 2 tsp Lemon Juice
- 2 tsp Aloe Vera Gel
Leave On For: 10-15 minutes

For Deep Hydration:
- 4 tsp Honey
- A handful of Oats
- 4 tsp Jojoba Oil
- 4 drops Geranium Oil
- 4 drops Cedarwood Oil
- 1 dropper full of our Hydrating Face Oil
Leave On For: 15 minutes

For Glowing Skin:
- 1 Papaya (mashed)
- 2 tsp Aloe Vera Gel
- 4 drops Lavender Oil
- 2 tsp Argan Oil
- 2 tsp Orange Juice
Leave On For: About 10-15 minutes

For Skin Nourishment: 
- 4 tsp Honey (raw or manuka)
- 2 tsp Turmeric Powder
- 2 tsp Coconut Oil
- 6 tsp cooled Chamomile Tea
- 4 drops Frankincense Oil
- 4 drops Rose Oil
- 2 tsp Red Clay
Leave On For: 15-20 minutes

For Detox:
- 10 tsp Sweet Almond Oil or Olive Oil
- 4 tsp Bentonite Clay
- 2 tsp Activated Charcoal
- 4 drops Lemon Oil
- 4 drops Juniper Oil
- Drops/sprays of Rose water (to thin)
Leave On For: About 15 minutes

BEFORE USING MASKS: Please read our "Info on Using Your Mask" section below for details on how to use them. 
Choose from one of the above recipes and begin combining your ingredients. Also feel free to add, remove or sub-in ingredients wherever you feel-- get creative with it! 
  • We like to start by first mixing the dry ingredients, then adding the liquids until you get to your desired consistency.
  • The texture of your mask will vary depending on the materials that you are using.
  • Overall, you want to have a good balance of wet and dry, resulting in a sort of cream-like or wet clay texture that you can easily smooth onto your face.
  • Masks that don't contain a powder, like the Glowing Skin recipe above, might have a thinner or more glossy consistency to them.
  • You can always add regular water, rose water or lavandin to your mixture to thin it out if it's too thick or dry.

Some ingredients you have to be careful not to add too much for it can irritate your skin. This includes essential oils, green clay, bentonite clay, cinnamon powder and apple cider vinegar. 
Once you finish making your mask, it's good to go! In the recipes that we provided here, it should yield about 2-3 ounces of face mask. This will come to roughly 4 uses. If you want to save some for next time, we recommend storing it in a small jar with a lid.

★ If your mask contains fresh ingredients like lemon juice or papaya then you may want to store it in the fridge until you use it-- don't wait too long to use these 'fresh ingredient' masks because they will spoil. Ideally they are to be used on the day they're made, but can be used up to a few days after that. ★
  • Make sure your face is clean before using a face mask. Remove any makeup. Try our natural Make Up Remover
  • Before applying your mask to your whole face, you may want to test a small patch of it on the side of your neck or on your arm. This is a precaution to make sure you don't have an allergic reaction to it.
  • If all is well with the patch test, then you can start using your mask! Apply face mask evenly to coat your entire face, avoiding the mouth & eyes. See the recipes above to find out how long you should leave your mask on (depending on which one you make), then rinse off thoroughly using lukewarm water. 
  • After your mask, you might want to consider using another product such as face oil or moisturizer, rose water/ toner, or a serum. Apply what you would normally use in your daily skin care routine. Below we've linked some great products that we sell on our online shop if you want to try them out! All handmade in small batches using natural ingredients 

How to Use Crystals in Meditation June 18, 2020 07:00 827 Comments


For both newcomers to meditation and those who are further in their practice, utilizing tools such as crystals and essential oils can really enhance the meditation experience. Meditating with these materials can help us to feel more grounded, connected and relaxed.

Humans and crystals have an innate connection and working with them can help you to tap into your highest self. They are tools of insight and spirituality and possess powerful energies to work with.

Essential oils, most commonly known as natural health remedies and aromatherapy mood lifters, can also help one to access a deeper and more focused meditative state.

Join us in learning how to use crystals and oils to help connect with your inner world and the earth through the practice of meditation. 

To prepare for your meditative practice, you may want to create an atmosphere of peace and calm to help you get into a more clear minded space. 

Some ways to create an ambiance of calm:
  • Light incense and candles
  • Put on ambient music or sounds of nature (or any kind of music that soothes you and isn't too distracting)
  • Dim the lights or set mood lighting/ open curtains for natural light
  • Find space where you want to sit or lay and make it comfortable (use pillows, etc.)
Another part of preparing for your meditation can involve clearing the energy in your space. People do this in many different ways-- one of the most common is referred to as "smudging," which involves burning a bundle of dried herbs and allowing the smoke to permeate the space. It is sometimes thought of as a type of "spiritual house cleaning," the act of clearing out any kind of negative energy.
Some smudging tools include:
  • Sage (white sage, blue sage, mountain sage, black sage, etc.)
  • Cedar
  • Palo santo
  • Juniper
  • Lavender
  • Pine
  • Rosemary
  • Frankincense resin
  • Incense
  • Yerba santa
  • Fire safe bowl or shell- abalone shells are often used for their spiritual properties
  • Feather to spread around the smoke (optional)
Choosing a crystal to work with in your meditation will depend on a few factors. We will go into some examples of crystals you can use, but you may also want to do your own research to find one that is in line with your intention or feeling. Different stones have different properties and energies. However, some people like to choose a crystal solely based on their intuition, regardless of the properties of the stone. 

Some crystals you may want to consider for your meditation:
  • Clear Quartz- all chakras, particularly crown chakra, universal healing crystal, mental clarity, amplifies other crystals' energies.
  • Amethyst- crown chakra, enlightenment, transformation, intuition, calming.
  • Rose Quartz- heart chakra, comforting, emotional healing, unconditional love.
  • Fluorite- third eye chakra, energy cleansing and balancing, connection to higher purpose. 
  • Carnelian- sacral chakra, energy boosting, motivation, creativity, confidence.
  • Moonstone- third eye, sacral and crown chakra, removes negativity, balances emotions, spiritual growth, relaxation.
  • Citrine- solar plexus chakra, confidence, abundance, warming & energizing.
  • Selenite- crown chakra, energy cleansing, renewal, clears mind, protects energetic field.
  • Labradorite- throat and third eye chakras, insight, wisdom, spirituality, relieves stress, aura cleansing.
  • Black Tourmaline- root chakra, grounding, strong protection stone, removes negativity. 
Selecting an essential oil (or essential oil blend) to incorporate into your meditative practice is similar to the way in which you choose a crystal. You can base it on the properties of the essential oils or you can choose based on intuition, using your sense of smell.

Again, this choice will be centered around what your intention is for your meditation. Are you looking to reduce stress and relax? Are you trying to elevate your consciousness and have an introspective look inside? Are you trying to be more spiritual? Boost your energy and be more present?

You can drop some pure essential oil into an aroma diffuser, dilute it with carrier oil and rub onto your body, or use a pre-diluted blend and do the same.

Some essential oils for meditation:
Earth Speaks blends for meditation: 
  • Diffuser Blends: Mental Focus, Meditation, Balance, Peace & Calming, Enlightenment, Anxiety Relief, Earth Oil, Clarity, Vitality. 
  • Roll-Ons (diluted): Earthy Goddess, Happy Oil, Destress Oil, Mental Focus Oil, Comfort & Bliss.
  • Mists (diluted): Spark, Destress, Energizing, Encounter, Citrus Lift, Firewood.
  • Inhalers: Anxiety Relief, Mental Focus, Peace & Calming, Sleep, Anti Depressant, Sinus Infection. 
Get comfortable! There are many different ways to position your body when meditating. How you do this may also dictate where you place your crystals. See some examples below: 
  • If you are seated: you can hold the crystal(s) in your hand while meditating or create an energy field by placing one in front of you, one behind and one on either side of you. 
  • If you are lying down: you may want to assume this pose if you intend on lying the crystal(s) on your body while meditating. You can place them on their corresponding energy centers or "chakras." For example, placing a piece of labradorite on your forehead for the third eye chakra.
A great way to begin this meditation is to sit silently and focus on feeling the energy of your stone. Think about the ways it is healing you.
  • Develop a connection with your crystal and try to pay attention to the ways this is happening-- physical sensations, visuals, colors, etc.
  • Then begin to focus on your breath. Breathing is an integral part of meditating. Form a slow and relaxed breathing pattern and focus on it. 
  • You may also want to practice visualizations with your crystal while you are meditating. For instance, when you are holding the stone in your hand, imagine its energy flowing through your body. You may want to picture a glowing light that's the same color as the crystal and feel it filling your body and mind.
  • Think of your intention but in its simplest form; try not to get too specific in your thoughts and if you do, just gently bring your attention back to your crystal or your breath.
Try and meditate for at least 10 minutes. If you are experienced in meditation then you may do longer if you'd like. End by connecting back with your breath and grounding yourself with the earth as you open your eyes.
Crystals are not only useful for meditation, but also for mindfulness exercises that you can do wherever, whenever. Bring a crystal with you on the go in your pocket or in your bag to use for calming, grounding, energy cleansing and more.
  • Hold it in your hand, feeling it's energy and focusing on its properties. The stone you choose to bring should be in line with your intention or to help heal what you are currently struggling with.
  • Focus on your breath as you sit with your stone and gently rub it with your thumb. Pay close attention to how the crystal feels and to any physical sensations in your body.
  • Hold your stone in your left hand ("receiving" hand), and imagine its energy as a bright white or gold light traveling all the way through your body to your right hand.

How to Make Hand Massage Oil June 17, 2020 05:00 317 Comments


Do your hand muscles get sore or tense from typing on the computer, writing, drawing, painting or from household chores? Do you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome? Are your hands dry from constant washing or sanitizing? Then this email is for you :) Making a natural massage oil is incredibly simple and only really requires two components: carrier oil and essential oil. Read on and join us in learning how to make your own hand & wrist massage oil!

Start out by choosing which essential oils you'd like to include in your blend based on their health benefits and their scent profiles. See our list below for details on their properties (we've only included the properties that are relevant to this recipe). 
  • Black pepper: for arthritis; stimulating and warming, good for circulation, natural anti spasmodic.

  • Peppermint: muscle pain relief, cooling, refreshing, used to massage aching joints, reduces inflammation, cools tense joints.

  • Ginger: circulation, arthritis relief, reduces inflammation, eases stress, warming. 

  • Lavender: calming, anti inflammatory, treats pain & muscle spasms, works on sore joints and tendons, relaxing and rejuvenating.

  • Nutmeg oil: circulation, reduces inflammation and pain, alleviates stiffness.

  • Clove Bud: blood flow, pain reduction, joint pain and strain relief, reduces muscle pain, warming and slightly numbing. 

  • Eucalyptus: anti-spasmodic, stimulating, muscle and joint pain relief/ soothing for overworked hands, anti inflammatory, promotes relaxation. 

  • Rosemary: invigorating, uplifting, improves circulation, eases aches. 

  • Helichrysum: reduces muscle pain, spasms and inflammation, helps heal scar tissue.

  • Clary Sage: promotes relaxation, alleviates muscle tension. 

  • Lemongrass: promotes circulation, reduces swelling and inflammation.

  • Juniper: relieves muscle tension and eliminates spasms.

In addition to the essential oils, you will also need one or two carrier oils in this recipe. A carrier oil is a natural, usually unscented, vegetable oil that is moisturizing and soothing. It is called a 'carrier oil' because it is used to dilute essential oils (which are too concentrated to put on your skin directly and may irritate it). 

Carrier oils have benefits of their own as well. For this recipe, see below for some recommended carrier oils:
  • Apricot kernel oil: good for all skin types including sensitive skin, high in vitamin A, helps rebuild tissues
  • Hemp seed oil: soothing, contains Omega fatty acids and proteins. 
  • Jojoba oil: anti microbial, moisturizing, contains vitamins B & E
  • Sweet almond oil: hydrating, anti inflammatory, aids circulation, high in vitamins B & C
  • Arnica Oil: used to treat bruises, arthritis and sprains, anti inflammatory, soothing.
Tools you will need to make this oil blend include the following:
  • 1 ounce glass bottle (preferably a dark color such as amber or cobalt blue to keep the oil fresh for longer) with dropper
  • extra dropper(s)
  • glass beaker with pour-spout or just a kitchen measuring glass for easy pouring
  • small glass sample bottles, clear or otherwise (see photo below for example)
It is very important when you are making an oil blend or anything of the like to record your recipe!

Write down the essential oils that you have chosen to use (preferably 2-5 different oils).

Massage oil blends range from 3%-5% essential oil content. So if you are using a 1 ounce bottle, then you will be using 18-30 drops of essential oil total. The remainder of the blend will be carrier oil. 

Divvy up the total number of drops and decide how many of each essential oil you will be using. Write down the amounts. An example may look like this:

(3% blend)
Ginger oil: 8 drops
Peppermint Oil: 4 drops
Clary Sage Oil: 6 drops
If you feel confident, you can mix your essential oil blend directly in your 1 ounce bottle-- or you can use the small sample size vial to mix it separately. If you do the latter, it allows you to play around and see if you like your ratio first before committing to that blend. Then you can use a dropper to count 18-30 drops of that blend into the 1 ounce bottle.

After adding your essential oils, fill up the rest of the 1 ounce bottle with your carrier oil. You can use a measuring cup or beaker for a more accurate pour. If you are using two carrier oils, simply fill up your bottle with half of one and half of the other (you can eyeball it). 
And it's ready to go! You can let the blend sit for a few minutes to an hour if you want the aromas to really meld together. Otherwise you can just shake it up right away and begin using it!

You may want to incorporate some kind of massage tool to work the oil into your skin. Massage tools such as stone facial rollers can be used to stimulate blood flow and deepen/ continue the massage once your hands get tired. Check out our collection on our online shop here. 

How to Make Natural Scrub June 16, 2020 05:00 673 Comments


Making natural exfoliating scrub is a fun and easy at-home activity that you can do anytime. It even uses some ingredients that you might already have lying around the house, such as coconut oil, sugar, coffee grounds and more. It can be a simple process and is very tactile and sensory-oriented, making it a great activity you can do with children. Try it today by following our step-by-step instructional below!

In making a natural scrub, you have to make a few decisions to start. For instance, are you making a face or body scrub (or both)? Do you, or the scrub user, have sensitive skin? What types of scents do you usually prefer? Are there any specific benefits that you're trying to get from using your scrub?
Once you have thought about what you want, then you can begin to source or gather your materials. There are a few basic components of any exfoliating scrub.

1. Exfoliant (i.e. sugar, salt, coffee, raw honey, etc.). This is the slightly rough material that will help to polish or exfoliate your skin.

2. Carrier oil (i.e. coconut oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil, etc). This will typically be some type of vegetable oil that is used to moisturize your skin.  

3. Additional ingredients (i.e. essential oils/ dried herbs for scent and wellness benefits, green tea for antioxidants, fresh fruit for antiaging, vitamin E for scars & natural preservative, etc). These elements of the scrub are optional, but you may want to include some for their many advantages.

Below we've compiled a list of what ingredients might be beneficial in making various types of scrub (with links in blue to shop these products on our website). These are not recipes-- just useful info to reference when making your scrub recipe.
- Sensitive skin: Chamomile oil, lavender oil, apricot kernel oil, brown sugar.
- Circulation: Ginger oil, Warm Spice oil blend, lemongrass oil, turmeric. 
- Scar Repair: Vitamin E, lavender oil, tea tree oil, rosehip oil, almond oil, sage oil.
- Face Scrub: Tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, lavender oil, granulated sugar, pureed papaya, green tea, honey, jojoba oil, turmeric.
- Body Scrub: Dead sea salt, coffee, coconut oil, brown sugar, olive oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, epsom salt, Himalayan salt, orange oil, hemp seed oil.
- Simple hydration and skin rejuvenation: Coconut oil, almond oil, rosemary oil, geranium oil, frankincense oil, granulated sugar, olive oil, jojoba oil, Vitality oil blend.
- Anti-aging: Pureed strawberries, green tea, argan oil, frankincense oil, carrot seed oil, rosehip oil, cedarwood oil.
- Cellulite removal: Grapefruit oil, black pepper oil, geranium oil, raw sugar, coffee. 
- Antiseptic/ Acne: Honey, tea tree oil, grapeseed oil, lemon oil, jojoba oil, cane sugar. 
- Muscle Pain Relief: Peppermint oil, black pepper oil, Balance oil blend, epsom salt, Earth oil blend.
When making a homemade natural scrub, you may want to have the following tools on hand to help the process:
- A medium to large mixing bowl
- A large spoon, preferably flat
- A small container with a lid for your completed scrub (for this recipe we'll be making a small amount, about 4 ounces). 
- Measuring cups & spoons
- Dropper and small bottle/ vial or dish for mixing essential oils (optional)
Create a nice workspace for yourself, probably in a kitchen or dining room. Wherever you have space to play and make a little bit of a mess!
Adding essential oils is an optional step. You may want to consider it, since they hold a variety of skin care, health and aromatherapy benefits. Plus they smell great! If you'd like to use more than one essential oil, then you'll have to make a blend-- use a separate small bottle/vial or dish to mix your essential oils.

For a 4 oz. scrub, you will want to use 3% or lower of essential oils. That means use about 72 drops of essential oil or less.

Try to keep it simple and include no more than 3 different essential oils in your blend. Refer to our list in Step 2, or do some research and decide on which oils you'd like to use. Then build your recipe and write it down. For example:

30 drops grapefruit oil
21 drops black pepper oil
21 drops geranium oil
If you wish to include green tea or any other kind of tea in your scrub, it is advised to begin brewing it in boiled water early on. This way, it will be cooled in time to add to your other ingredients. For our recipe, you can do the following:

- Steep 1 teabag in 1/4 cup of boiling water and let cool.
- If you are using coffee grounds: Mix 1/2 cup fresh coffee grounds with 2 tbsp hot water and let cool.
The recipe we're working with calls for the following:
1/2 cup total of exfoliant (4 oz.)
1/8 cup of carrier oil (1 oz.)
72 drops (or less) essential oil 
2 tbsp miscellaneous ingredients (dried herbs, pureed fruit, honey, etc.)
1/4 cup of brewed, cooled tea (2 oz.)

The last three ingredients are optional and up to your discretion which, if any, you'd like to add. Even the amounts above are up to you! If you want a little more hydration, you can do equal parts oil and exfoliant (1/2 cup of each). If it's for acne prone skin, you can cut the oil in half and use apple cider vinegar for the other half. Get creative with it :)
This is the fun part! Making a homemade scrub is all about consistency. The texture and balance of ingredients in your scrub has to be just right; you want it to be easy and pleasant to use. That means a balance of the dry and wet components.
1. Pour your dry ingredients into the mixing bowl (if coffee grounds are used, make sure they have cooled to room temp).
2. Add the carrier oil one tbsp at a time while stirring with your spoon. Stop when you have a good consistency; not too runny and not too dry or crumbly. If you have added the entire amount of oil from the recipe and it's still too sandy, you can add more carrier oil.
3. Once your tea has cooled completely, you can add that in. Also stir in any other additional ingredients that you've selected to use.
4. Add your essential oil blend using a dropper. Count out 72 drops (or less) as you add it to the mixture.
Using your hands or a spoon, scoop the scrub into your small container until it is full. Smooth down the top-- and if you want to get fancy, put a little rose bud or dried herb garnish on the top before screwing on the cap. This is particularly nice for gifts. And you're good to go!
If you are unable to (or don't feel like), making your own, feel free to shop our handmade natural scrubs on our online shop using the link below!
Shop Scrubs

How to Make Natural Room Spray June 15, 2020 08:00 295 Comments

Making Natural Room Spray

Room and linen spray can be a super easy and accessible product to make at home with a few simple components. The one that we make at our shop includes distilled water, a few essential oils and a bit of alcohol. Combine the ingredients, shake it up and it's ready to use!
The key is having the right tools, knowing your proportions and making a scent that you'll love. You can also opt to use specific essential oils that help purify the air and get rid of mold, or ones that are particularly good at eliminating odors. You can also use aromatherapy principles to choose oils with certain properties, such as mood boosting or sleep & relaxation.

1. Gather Your Materials. All you will really need is the following:

- A 2 oz. dark colored glass spray bottle. We typically use these cobalt blue ones but brown amber bottles are also great. The tint will keep the natural ingredients like essential oils have a longer shelf life.

- Distilled water. Bottled spring water from the store will work great.

- Alcohol. Just like when making natural perfume, strong vodka like Everclear or rubbing alcohol is fine.

- Essential Oils. These will be up to your discretion depending on what type of scent you want to make. See the steps below for more info on the benefits of different essential oils and how to build a fragrance.

- A Funnel (optional) 

- A Measuring Cup or Beaker
2. Make Your Essential Oil Blend. Choosing the oils for your blend will depend on a number of different factors to consider. These factors include the physical & mental benefits of the oils, which ones work well together in a blend, and what your personal scent preferences are. Try to stick with between 2 and 4 different oils for your blend, unless you are very experienced in formulating fragrances. Below we've listed a few recipe examples to get you inspired:

- Air Purifier: Tea Tree, Lemon & Rosemary (or Eucalyptus).

- Calming Bedtime: Lavender, Chamomile & Cedarwood.

- Mental Clarity/ Refreshing: Peppermint, Orange & Lime.

- Romance: Geranium, Ylang Ylang & Patchouli.

- Uplifting: Bergamot, Grapefruit & Geranium.
3. Make Your Essential Oil Blend (cont.). After you've chosen the essential oils you will be using in your blend, you will have to figure out the ratio. In the Room & Linen Spray that we make at our shop, typically about 10% of it is essential oils. This means that if you are using a 2 oz. bottle, you will be using 120 drops of essential oils total (or 6 mL). However, you can always use a smaller amount of essential oils if you want a lighter scent, or if you intend on using it on bedding/clothing and have sensitive skin.

If it is a total of 120 drops, then you must break down how many drops of each individual oil you'll be using. See below for an example:

Air Purifier Blend (in a 2 oz/ 60 mL bottle): 
Tea Tree: 30 drops
Lemon: 40 drops
Rosemary: 50 drops
Total Drops Essential Oil: 120 (6 mL)

You can break up the amounts however you'd like-- depending on the strength of each oil and which ones you'd like to be more prominent in your blend. You can also just split the total evenly for a balanced blend. For instance, if you are using 3 different essential oils then you would use 40 drops of each one for a total of 120 drops.
4. Add the Alcohol & Water. First, measure out 10 mL of alcohol using your beaker and pour it directly into the 2 oz. bottle. Do this right after you've added your essential oil blend to the bottle. Integrate it by gently swirling the mixture around. In natural room spray, the alcohol acts as a mixing agent that helps combine the essential oils and the water. It also acts as a carrier to help the fragrance linger in the air and adhere to things.

Then add your water. Measure out about 44 mL of water in your beaker or measuring glass and pour into the 2 oz. bottle until it is filled to the top. If you have a funnel, you can also use that to pour the water into the bottle neatly. Be sure not to overfill it as the water level will rise a bit when you screw on the spray top. 
5. Label Your Creation & Shake It Up! It is up to you whether or not you want to label your room spray and how detailed you want to get with it. Some people like to write all of the ingredients on a sticky label or a piece of paper taped to the bottle. Some may just want to give their fragrance a fun name on the label and keep the recipe written down elsewhere for the future. It's entirely your choice! Have fun with it-- but remember if you'd like to make your blend again it is important to keep the recipe recorded somewhere. 

Screw the spray top onto the bottle and shake it gently to combine the ingredients. Then leave it to sit for a few hours before using. Remember to shake the mixture well each time prior to use. This will help reintegrate the essential oils and water. Store in a cool dry place if possible to help the essential oils last longer.
And you're all set! Making your own or buying natural room spray is a healthier and more sustainable alternative to commercially available/ mass produced sprays that may have harmful chemicals. It is also a fun thing to make at home and can help you to learn more about fragrance construction & aromatherapy.

Please see the link below to our website to shop our small-batch natural room & linen sprays. And be sure to check out the links throughout this email to shop for essential oils to make your blend. Thanks for tuning in to Earth Speaks How-To's! Stay safe & healthy <3

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How to Do a Gua Sha Facial June 14, 2020 14:00 1 Comment


Gua sha is a traditional Chinese medicinal treatment in which the skin is scraped with a smooth edged, blunt instrument in order to release toxins and stimulate new oxygenated blood flow to the area. It can be used to help relieve tension and pain, break down scar tissue and treat injured or sore muscles.

Gua sha tools are also used (in a much gentler way) on the face in skin care routines as facial massage tools. They are used to promote blood circulation in the skin, thus having tightening and rejuvenating effects. It is said to lift the skin and help to dissolve fine lines and wrinkles, while enhancing the skins elasticity, firmness & brightness.

Today we are going to teach you how to use these tools to perform a gua sha facial and massage. It's fun, relaxing, feels amazing and works wonders on your skin! 

For the first step, you may want to apply a face oil or moisturizer that you typically use daily. Face oils tend to work a bit better (depending on the moisturizer) since they can take longer to absorb into the skin, providing ample time for use as a lubricant for your gua sha tool to glide smoothly across your skin. You can also use pure carrier oil such as sweet almond oil or marula oil. Use the same amount you would normally, about a dime size or so.
Start on your forehead by taking your gua sha tool and gliding it from the middle of your forehead sweeping out to your hairline. Repeat several times then move to the other side and do the same. You may notice your skin getting a bit red, but don't be concerned because that is a normal occurrence as a result of the blood circulating. 
Holding your tool with both hands, start at the top of your brows and push the gua sha tool upward. Repeat several times, only pushing up (not back down). This helps to flatten the wrinkles on your forehead over time. It can also help to relieve stress that you carry in those muscles of your face and reduce headache pain.
Take the tip of your gua sha tool (the smaller end) and use it on your brow bone. A lot of fluid tends to collect in your brow, particularly in the corners of your eyes near the bridge of the nose. Place the tip of the tool in the aforementioned area and sweep outward from the corner of your eye and across the brow. Then follow it down the outside of your cheek (along the hairline) to your jaw.
You may even want to continue that path and connect it down to the outer part of your neck to flush the fluid downwards. Also, in terms of circulation it helps blood flow to your heart. Repeat starting with the other brow and work on the other side of the face.
Now we move onto the cheeks. Start by placing the edge of the tool at the corner of the nose. It is important that you sweep the tool upward first before flowing down the side of the face and neck. That upward motion along the cheekbone will help naturally lift and tone the skin. While the flushing down will help with lymphatic drainage and blood circulation towards the heart. Repeat multiple times on both cheeks.
You can work the brow bone further by taking the small end of the tool and starting on the side of the tip of your nose and working up. Connect across the brow bone, up and out to the hairline and down the side of the face. 
Again you want to continue to flush down the side of the neck. Repeat this path on both sides of the face, starting at the tip of the nose on the other side and following the contours of the brow and face.
Starting from the middle of your upper lip, use the edge of the smaller end of the tool to glide across the upper lip, up and out to the cheek.
Connect that path going up the cheek bone, again following the contours of your face-- some of these motions will feel fairly intuitive because of this. Continue up the cheekbone to the ear and then again flow down the neck. Repeat multiple times, then move to the other side.
Depending on what kind of tool you are using, you will typically have some kind of edge with small curves or indents. Check out an example here, though they look different on many tools. These are designed for the more defined bones. Use that special part of the tool to hug the jaw bone and follow it up starting from the chin and connecting to the ear. Then sweep down the neck in the direction of the heart.
Starting from the chin area, take the edge of your tool and glide it up the lower part of the cheek up towards the ear, then down the neck. Repeat a few times and then on the other side of the face. 
It's that simple! The whole process can be as short or long as you'd like, but typically only takes about 5-10 minutes. Gua sha can be used for many things in the body but this is just a quick tutorial for face massage and skin care. Definitely worth considering adding to your daily routine! We linked them above in this email but in case you missed it, use the button below to check out gua sha and other face massage tools that we have available on our online shop. Thanks and wishing everyone health and safety at this time <3

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