How To Create a Mindful Bedtime Routine July 22, 2020 03:00 689 Comments


A night routine is a series of habits or activities that you do in the time leading up to going to sleep. It can look very different for different people and that's okay! The purpose of this article is to give you some ideas or jumping off points to get you in the mindset of creating a healthy and positive night routine. A mindful night routine can greatly improve your quality of sleep-- not to mention your mood, productivity and focus for the next day. 

Brushing your teeth and washing your face might already be part of your nighttime routine. We also encourage taking a hot shower or bath to relax and help promote restful sleep. 
In addition, a simple skin care routine composed of natural products can feel amazing and have notable effects on the appearance of your skin. We recommend a hydrating toner such as Rose Water & a natural blend of oils like our Classic Face Oil. Use the toner spray and then the oil, mindfully smoothing it onto your skin and enjoying the calming fragrances. You can also mix a dime-sized amount of oil with a couple sprays of rose water in your hand and then apply it to your face.
Gua Sha Tools or Facial Rollers can also be excellent tools to incorporate into your nightly skin care routine. They help improve blood circulation, release toxins, promote lymphatic drainage & have tightening and rejuvenating effects on your skin. Massage your face with one of these tools directly after applying the face oil. 
Setting the scene for relaxation can help bring you into that headspace while also acting as a ritual that signifies the transition into sleep, or the beginning of your night routine.
Lighting candles, incense, palo santo and clearing the energy of the room with herbs such as sage or juniper are great ways to use lighting and scent to wind down.
Another excellent tool is the essential oil diffuser (particularly if you want something that doesn't require burning). Drop a few drops of your favorite essential oils or blend into the electric diffuser and feel your body and mind relax. We recommend our Sleep Oil blend or our Peace & Calming Oil blend.
Giving yourself an aromatherapy massage and stretching your body before bed can help you get 'into your body' and out of your head. Try to be present & mindful throughout, while really paying attention to each area of your body and the physical sensations that arise. 
We have a couple excellent massage oil blends such as the Muscle & Joint Pain Oil and the Insomnia Relief Oil. Roll-on blends such as our Goodnight Oil can also be used on smaller areas such as the temples and the back of the neck. 
Stretch your body or do some gentle yoga before bed. It will loosen up tightness (especially in conjunction with the massage) and get your body ready for rest. 
Meditation is an incredibly useful tool for mental clarity and peace at any time of day. Doing it before sleep is especially beneficial, as it helps to quiet thoughts and worries that tend to flood your head at the end of a day.
Doing some mindful reflection on the day's events is very different then allowing your brain to go haywire with anxious thoughts. A helpful way to reflect productively is to incorporate journaling into your bedtime routine. Gratitude journaling- recording a few things that you are thankful for at each day's end- intuitive writing, or even just taking note of what worked or what didn't work for you that day are all great guides for journaling. 
Using crystals can help aid your meditative practice as well as your journaling. They have strong energies and can help with intuition, flow, creativity, stress reduction and more. Check out our article on Meditating with Crystals for more information on how to do this. Also, view our collection of crystals for sale on our online store here.
Implementing these habits isn't always easy. As much as we'd all like to do these calming activities and achieve restful sleep & focused energy, it takes effort and some days it can be hard to do it on willpower alone.

Investing in the right tools and materials that you need for your bedtime routine can be a helpful step. A nice journal, some incense you like, a calming dim light, essential oils or massage oil blends, etc. If you take it seriously and really commit to the practice of creating a mindful night routine, it's effects are invaluable. So treat yourself!

Setting alarms on your phone or having some type of reminder of when to begin your routine can be instrumental in forming the habit. You may not need the alarms or reminders after a while of doing it, but having them in the beginning can work wonders. 

Lastly, make sure you have a clear plan and schedule for your night routine. Maybe write it down or type it & print it out and hang it somewhere visible. Or keep it written down in your journal or notebook. Make it clear, simple and doable. You don't have to get too complicated or you'll run the risk of 'not feeling up to it.' 

Customize your routine to what works for you! There are many different ways to go about it, and various things not mentioned here-- such as cutting off caffeine or alcohol after a certain time, no screen time an hour before sleep, etc. It's up to you!
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